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Version: 2.2

Useful Streams options

This page provides information about the various options available when creating a stream with Useful Streams. Learn more about the includeContractLogs, includeInternalTxs, and advanced options to customize your stream.

Include Contract Logs

The includeContractLogs option will include all contract logs in the webhook, should be set to true if you are monitoring a contract. If you are monitoring a wallet address you can set this to true to also get the contract logs if a wallet interacts with a contract

Internal Transactions

You can also monitor all internal transactions happening on chain by setting the includeInternalTxs to true.

Include Native Transactions

You can decide to also include Native Transactions

Include All Transaction Logs

When you enable the includeAllTxLogs option in your stream config, it will include all related logs if any log or transaction matches your stream config. This option can only be used together with includeNativeTxs or includeContractLogs.

For example: Enabling includeAllTxLogs in a stream with includeNativeTxs enabled will return all the logs related to the transaction sent in the webhook.

NOTE: This option is available on Moralis Pro Plan & higher

Advanced Options

An array of advanced option objects that allow you to specify additional options for creating a stream. It has the following required fields:

topic0: A string that specifies the topic0 to listen to.

filter: A custom filter object that allows you to specify conditions that the data must meet in order to be included in the stream. Learn more here.

includeNativeTxs: A boolean that indicates whether to include native transactions in the stream in addition to contract logs.

Use Case

Advanced Options are useful when you want to narrow down the data that is included in the stream to only include specific types of events or transactions. For example, you might only want to listen to transfers of a certain amount or from a particular address.

To use the advancedOptions object, you must specify a topic0 that you want to filter. You can then use the filter field to specify conditions that the data must meet in order to be included in the stream. You can also use the includeNativeTxs field to specify whether to include native transactions in the stream in addition to contract logs. This can be useful if you want to track all activity on the blockchain, not just contract activity.


"topic0": "Transfer(address,address,uint256)",
"filter": {
"and": [
{ "eq": ["from", "0x283af0b28c62c092c9727f1ee09c02ca627eb7f5"] },
{ "gt": ["amount", "100000000000000000000"] }
"includeNativeTxs": false

In this example, we are listening to the ERC20-Transfer Transfer(address,address,uint256). We are also using the filter field to specify that we only want to include transfers where the from field is equal to the address 0x283af0b28c62c092c9727f1ee09c02ca627eb7f5 and the amount that was sent is greater than 100 (converted to wei). Finally, we are using the includeNativeTxs field to specify that we do not want to include native transactions in the stream.